Tuesday 8 November 2011

Funny Pelican Photos

Bunk is rather mysterious fellow. In fact, I know almost nothing about him other than his interest in this site, 80’s movies, and silly jokes. But lately he started sending us quite a few pictures and links, so I decided to officially ask him to join the team.

If you’re interested in joining Ben, Bunk, and myself, just let me know. Contributors get a link back to their site from every post (Bunk and Ben don’t have websites, which is why their posts link to an author page). I’d even pay you (or a charity) for any posts that become extremely popular. If you’re interested, Contact Me for more information.

 Funny Pelican 
 Funny Pelican 
 Funny Pelican 
 Funny Pelican 
 Funny Pelican 
 Funny Pelican 
Funny Pelican 

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