Thursday 17 November 2011

Funny Polar Bear Photos

Funny Polar BearPolar bears (Ursus maritimus) are the second largest species of bears, smaller than only the brown bear. Their size helps them conserve heat. The larger the bear, the more slowly they loose heat. Their fur is a creamy color, not pure white, and they have black skin. Polar bears have a dense underfur and thick layer of fatty blbber to aid in insulation.
Polar bears feed primarily on seals. They have two basic hunting tactics, stalking (which involves slowly moving towards their prey and when close enough, charging in for the attack) and still hunting (which involves sitting beside a hole in the ice that a seal uses as a breathing hole; when the seal emerges to breath, the polar bear attacks).

Funny Polar Bear
 Funny Polar Bear
Funny Polar Bear
 Funny Polar Bear
Funny Polar Bear
 Funny Polar Bear
Funny Polar Bear
 Funny Polar Bear
Funny Polar Bear
 Funny Polar Bear
 Funny Polar Bear
Funny Polar Bear
Funny Polar Bear

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